10.11.14 Grand Theft Auto IV and Episodes From Liberty City: Characters Fixes.10.11.11 ENBSeries graphic modifications.

10.11.10 EFLC PC Quality Texture & GTA IV&EFLC Graphics Fix.9.8.5 SecuLauncher: failed to start application.9.6 Unable to play in offline mode with the game's Steam version.9.5 Stuttering, texture popping and other performance issues after running the game for a while.9.3 Game language does not follow the Rockstar Games Launcher/Steam settings.9.2 Too slow handbrake camera and regular camera movement and too zoomed-in cutscenes.9.1 Broken Space button in the missions "A Revenger's Tragedy" and "Out of Commission".5.3 Right trigger does not work when using Steam Input.5.1 DirectInput Controller support (old versions only).